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Reusable "Snap Locks"

Item#: IM-SL (see below for options)

Description: Reusable Syringe locking device. Eliminates the painful task of holding the syringe in plunger in the retracted position while aspirating. Easy to use: simply insert the snap lock into the syringe barrel and draw back until the plunger locks in place. Allows for constant suction to be maintained throughout the aspiration process. Available in 5 sizes:

Item # Description
IM-SL-60CC "Snap-Lock" for 60CC syringes, reusable, fits BD and Monoject syringes

IM-SL-35CC-MJ "Snap-Lock" for 35CC syringes, reusable, fits Monoject syringes

IM-SL-30CC-BD "Snap-Lock" for 30CC syringes, reusable, fits BD syringes

IM-SL-20CC-BD "Snap-Lock" for 20CC syringes, reusable, fits BD syringes

IM-SL-10CC-MJ "Snap-Lock" for 10CC syringes, reusable, fits Monoject syringes

IM-SL-10CC-BD "Snap-Lock" for 10CC syringes, reusable, fits BD syringes

Reusable "Snap Locks"

    4 Autry

    Irvine, CA 92618


    T: 949-458-1897
    F: 949-458-7316


    © 2024  KMI IMI GROUP.  

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